Monday, January 19, 2009



The scheme is based on lagoons, trying to extract the kinetic energy in the base itself and architecturally transform this engery to solve environmental problems of the base, e.g. sedimentation and salination.

To begin with, we should find the key factors affecting sedimentation from study of wave turbulence and sediment induction.

The core to solution of this issue is that by studying distribution of waterbirds activities and the degree of the reeds which waivers in the breeze. We obtain kinetic energy from the motions and transform it via light-weight conduction device, influencing and altering turbulence and sedimentation in a good manner.

Apart from thinking up solutions to the aforementioned issue, I will also dig deep into poetry of William Wordsworth, e.g. "Fluttering and dancing in the breeze" to create an interactive atmosphere of a co-existence of reality, poetry and momery, enhancing the ecological and aesthetical properties of the said environment.

The Emerging Uplift Principle

May 2008 issue of the Journal of Evolution and Technology, published a fascinating article titled: "All Together Now: Developmental and ethical considerations for biologically uplifting nonhuman animals".

In the article, the author George Dvorsky argues the unconventional case that the future application of biological and other augmentation methods to animals for the purpose of endowing them with the necessary physical and mental capabilities that will allow them eventually to participate as equal agents in a futuristic multi-species society, is not only ethically conceivable but perhaps even an ethical necessity.
In as much as it is technologically possible, it is morally desirable to apply uplift as a form of directed evolution, to all life forms.
The Uplift Principle: When a sapient species reaches a stage where it can perpetually uplift itself, this species will eventually chose (following its evolving ethical imperatives) to expand by exploring and uplifting all life forms conceivable to it.
In conclusion, the idea of uplift described in Dvorsky's article extrapolates an already existing trend of expanding the sphere of humanity's ethical consideration towards non human animals. This idea is further extrapolated here to expose its possible profound meaning and consequences in regards to the future evolution of human minding and the singularity. The synergetic expansion of human knowledge, consciousness, ethics and empathy can be shown to eventually bring about the a perpetual uplifting of all life towards sapience.

Monday, January 12, 2009



A wetland is an area of land consisting of soil that is saturated with moisture, such as a swamp, marsh, bog or vlei.

As defined in terms of physical geography, a wetland is an environment "at the interface between truly terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic systems making them inherently different from each other yet highly dependent on both"[1]. In essence, wetlands are ecotones. Wetlands often host considerable biodiversity and endemism.

Located on the banks of the River Thames in Barnes, Southwest London the centre is home to rare and beautiful wildlife including Bitterns, Kingfishers and a colony of endangered Water voles.